Karen’s PR blog

Posts Tagged ‘blogger relations

I loved finding out about domino magazine’s mydecofile online community.  As a person who loves decorating and hopes to one day get a job with a home/garden/lifestyle magazine, I was especially excited to learn about this tool.  You can save and organize images of rooms you like in an online file, and you have the option of making them public so that people can view and comment on your collection.  It is neat because it helps people with their decorating dilemmas, and also helps domino magazine add to their number of active readers.

This online community is definitely a good way to get people’s attention and keep domino at the forefront in their minds.  The biggest thing in design is inspiration–you must have an idea of how you want to design a space before you can actually go about designing it.  But for people like me who have trouble visualizing things, pictures are the best way to get ideas–and all the pictures you need are right here on the website.  Sharing comments with other readers and viewing their saved images also keeps fresh ideas coming, and really gets people interacting with domino magazine.

I know this tool works because it got my attention.  I have never read domino before, but now that I know what it is, I might be more inclined to pick up a copy.

Bathroom Decor store

Living green is very much the new trend in home and bath design.  Let’s pretend there is a new kitchen and bath design store that focuses on eco-friendly design.  They believe this is a goal everyone should work toward, and that it is quite easy for everyone to switch to green design.  This is their niche and their angle–focusing on eco-friendly materials and spreading awareness that designing such a space will fit everyone’s budget and abilities.

1.  Listening–If this kitchen and bath store wanted to create a blog to start an online conversation about their business, I would advise them to first look at what other blogs have to say about eco-friendly design.  Do people think it is too expensive to switch their appliances to those with Energy-Star labels?  Do they think it is worth their while to redecorate a room in a more eco-friendly way?  This store should also look at what blogs are saying about the products they carry.  Do people like the teak countertops or the low-flow toilets they recommend?

2.  Next, they should respond to these blogs when necessary.  For someone who is hesitant to redesign a whole kitchen or bath, maybe they can recommend smaller ways to redesign, all the while encouraging bloggers that green living is worth pursuing.

3.  Blogger Relations–Perhaps this store carries a certain type of low-VOC paint that has been a hit with their customers, but comes in few colors.  They could recommend (through the paint company’s blog) that they (the paint company) develop new colors, so that more people will buy the paint.  By telling them about their experience with customers wanting more colors, it provides value to the paint company, which always likes to know about what people think of their product.

4.  Finally, the kitchen and bath store will need a conversation space of its own.  A blog could be like an online version of a magazine, where new ideas and noteworthy kitchens or baths are featured periodically.  This could be a space where they share ideas about how to use old things in new ways, creative ways to recyle, or other suggestions for sustainable living, and allow the blog’s readers to comment and share their own ideas.


May 2024