Karen’s PR blog

Bloggers and Blogger Relations

Posted on: October 23, 2008

Best practices for engaging with bloggers

Don’t just blog about your company and how great it is, and don’t just write about your product and how everyone should go out and buy it.  This will turn people away from your site.  Instead, make sure that you are writing about something that is of value and interest to your fellow bloggers and blog readers.  Also, many fail to recognize the importance of the “About” page.  Besides telling readers what your blog is about, this page should include your full name, a photo, some basic contact information, and other relevant details.

Creating and running an organizational blog

Keep up-to-date with what is happening in the news–some of it might just affect your organization.  Post news releases and other relevant information that will keep your audience informed.  When it comes to appearance, streamlined and professional is best.  Have clean and simple lines, and get rid of extra widgets and ads that clutter up the space and make it difficult to read.  With each post, remember the inverted pyramid.  Come up with a catchy but informative title, and put the most pertinent information first.

Things to avoid like the plague

Before entering the blogosphere, it is helpful if you first follow some other blogs that are related to your area of interest.  If you don’t read their posts, learn about the creators or organizations behind them, or comment on them, you risk exposing yourself as a novice.  Don’t just let your blog be another medium for advertising your products–really engage in online conversations, and include links to other websites that might be of use to readers.  And while keeping your blog’s appearance clean and streamlined is good, be careful not to let it be too bland.  Don’t just accept all of the default settings.  Have a graphic artist design your own logo, or do something to make it stand out from all the other gazillion blogs out there.

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October 2008